One of the many things Dr Éamon was renowned for was his On This Day column in the Irish News.
Expertly chosen, the column chose a day in history and brought it in its significance to the modern reader.
The column was usually placed down the right-hand side of a news or features page, and the page number varied from edition to edition.
But wherever it was placed, the mix was variously enlightening, eclectic, sometimes sad, but always interesting.
Éamon loved doing the column, from the 1980s right up to late 2022. On This Day continues in the Irish News to this day under a new author.
These items are an invaluable historical record – old reports curated by an expert and brought to life again in modern media.
Over time we plan to greatly add to this collection of Éamon’s On This Day contributions.

A small selection of On This Day articles
June 18 1938

Methodist Church assembly applauds election of Ireland’s first president; Glens Gaelic revival recalled.
Published 2007
June 30 1943

British minister confirms – ‘invasion of Europe soon’; De Valera again taoiseach; IRA man refutes ‘cowardice’ allegations; Hundreds uncharged in north’s jails.
Published 2012
July 14 1945

First ‘Twelfth’ since war a shadow of past; Derry Twelfth in GAA Field.
Published 2014
September 13 1944

Bigots prevail in Fermanagh; The end of fire-watching; Irish emigrant’s son honoured in Bulgaria.
Published 2013