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The Northern Ireland Assembly Collection

The Stormont Parliament, 1921-1972

Dr Éamon Phoenix: From Troubled Start to Welfare State and from Civil Rights to the Troubles. In conjunction with Ann Donnelly from NI Screen.

Produced by The Northern Ireland Assembly, 2021

Dr Éamon Phoenix presents the Unionist and Loyalist Perspective on the establishment of Northern Ireland

The second in a series of lectures by the NI Assembly in which Dr Éamon Phoenix focuses on the Unionist and Loyalist Perspective: Carson and Craig, the 1920 Act and the Establishment of Northern Ireland, 1912-1930.

Produced by The Northern Ireland Assembly, 2021

The Pope, the Prince and the Painting – Dr Éamon Phoenix

Watch some behind the scenes action from our preparations for the new display in Parliament Buildings and listen to historian Dr. Éamon Phoenix telling the story of “The Pope, the Prince and the Painting.”

Produced by The Northern Ireland Assembly, 2022

The Origins of Northern Ireland 1912-25: From Home Rule to Partition and the Formative Early Years

Dr Éamon Phoenix: The Origins of Northern Ireland 1912-25: From Home Rule to Partition and the Formative Early Years.

Produced by The Northern Ireland Assembly, 2021