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About Us

The Dr Éamon Phoenix Foundation is an independent charity founded following the death of Dr Éamon Phoenix.

About the Charity

The charity (registered charity no. GB-NIC-109942) was founded in 2023 following Éamon’s sad death on 13 November 2022 by his wife Alice, daughter Mary Alice and granddaughter Nicole.

A board of trustees was brought together to create the charity’s founding articles and to set out the aims and objectives of the Foundation going forward.

A leading Irish historian, Dr Phoenix was a renowned academic writer broadcaster Gaeilgeoir

The Foundation aims to bring together the strands of his life and work to preserve and enhance his memory, and to build on his legacy.

The purposes of the charity are:


To benefit the public in Northern Ireland by promoting the study of history as a way of fostering a deeper understanding of the past and thereby promoting reconciliation.


To facilitate the study of history through activities such as seminars grants and bursaries to examine how a divisive and traumatic past has shaped and continues to influence relationships among communities and individuals in Ireland and Great Britain.


To advance its objects as a way of upholding and advancingthe enduring legacy of Dr Éamon Phoenix, who advocated for history as a philosophy that promotes mutual understanding.


To fulfil the above objectives by seeking funding from the public and institutions who share our goals

In particular but not exclusively the charity will actively pursue its objects through the following strategies:

Preserving the Éamon Phoenix Legacy:


Ensuring the legacy of Dr Éamon Phoenix by providing public access to his complete body of work online including not only published books and articles but also radio and television interviews, recorded talks, and unpublished papers and materials.

Community-Based Initiatives:


Engaging in community-based initiatives related to local history and history education across all educational levels involving diverse educational projects and the provision of various scholarship and reward opportunities.

Open Dialogues on Historical Topics:


Encouraging candid and open dialogues on challenging historical topics, memories, and anniversaries to be achieved through publications, archives, lectures, and support for emerging historians displaying a demonstrable or potential creative use of Dr Éamon Phoenix’s legacy.

Bridges Between Historical Community Groups:


Facilitating the establishment of connections between diverse historical community groups to foster collaboration and understanding.

Our Patron: Dr Martin Mansergh

Dr Mansergh is a former Fianna Fáil politician who served as an Irish Minister of State from 2008 to 2011.

He played a leading role in developing Fianna Fáil policy on Northern Ireland. He acted as a backchannel before the ceasefires of the 1990s, and was part of the Irish Government’s negotiating team for the Downing Street Declaration and the Good Friday Agreement and its early implementation
He is vice-chair of the government’s Expert Advisory Group on the Decade of Centenaries.

Along with Fr Alec Reid and the Reverend Roy Magee, he was awarded the 1995 Tipperary International Peace Award, now described as “Ireland’s outstanding award for humanitarian work”.

We are governed by a Board of Trustees.

Our trustees are:

Alice Phoenix

A retired secondary teacher, Alice taught Science and Maths and held the post of SENCO. She was on Board of Governors for over thirty years and in the last fifteen held the position of Chair. Alice was happily married to Éamon for over forty-two years.

Nicole Phoenix

Éamon’s granddaughter. Nicole is a student in St Mary’s University College, Belfast where she is studying for a BEd specialising in Music for Primary Education.

Mary-Alice Phoenix

Éamon’s daughter. Primary school teacher, MA with a BEd. and an Med. in Children’s Literature. Mary-Alice currently teaches Primary 2 and holds the roles of Designated Teacher for Child Protection and World Around Us Co-Ordinator.

Dr Brian Lambkin

Dr Brian Lambkin was formerly Principal of Lagan College, Belfast, and Director of the Mellon Centre for Migration Studies at the Ulster-American Folk Park, Omagh. He is is currently Chair of Healing Through Remembering.

Dr Deirdre Mac Bride

Dr Deirdre Mac Bride completed her PhD ‘Popular Memories of the Easter Rising and the Battle of the Somme: Northern Ireland 2016 a case study’ (2023) at the Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice, Queen’s University Belfast. Previously she was Programme Director Cultural Diversity with the NI Community Relations Council where she had lead responsibility for the Decade of Centenaries. Prior to joining CRC, she had worked extensively in North Belfast on housing, regeneration and interfaces.

Jim McDermott

Jim McDermott was Head of History in Corpus Christi College until his retirement from secondary school teaching in 2005. A mutual interest in Irish History led to Jim working with Éamon for many years in the Lifelong Learning Department of Stranmillis College. Jim is author of the 2001 book ‘Northern Division – The Old IRA and the Belfast Pogroms 1920-22’.

Prof Noel Purdy OBE

Professor Noel Purdy OBE is Director of Research and Scholarship and Director of CREU (the Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement) at Stranmillis University College, Belfast. He chaired the Expert Panel on Educational Underachievement in Northern Ireland and also chaired the DE Steering Committee in the Republic which reviewed the national Action Plan on Bullying.

Dr Francis Costello

Dr Francis Costello’s work spans leadership, and management roles in business, academia, and government. Dr Costello is also an accomplished writer and published scholar. With wide experience in the US, Canada, Ireland, the UK and Europe, he has lived in Belfast since 1999.

Paul Shevlin

Paul Shevlin is a retired solicitor who specialised in employment and equality law, particularly working with Trade Unions. In the latter part of his career, he focused on charity law, specifically in the formation and governance of trusts. Paul is currently a trustee of a local enterprise unit and a youth centre, and he previously served as Chair of the Special Educational Needs Tribunal.

Patrick Greer

Patrick is Chairperson and Public Relations Officer for The West Belfast Historical Society and Secretary to The Belfast Civic Trust.

Roisin Radcliffe

Éamon’s sister. Roisin is an Educationalist. She currently works at Northern Ireland’s Council for the Curriculum, Examinations & Assessment (CCEA) with responsibility for a range of Post Primary Curriculum, Examinations and Contemporary societal projects.

Muriel Moore

Muriel was an electronic product design and development engineer based at Queen’s University Belfast creating products for commercial clients. She was later a software engineering manager producing multimedia software for the education sector. Having discovered Irish traditional music as an adult, she went on to play in sessions in Belfast and was invited by Éamon to play music at his talks on the 1792 Belfast Harp Festival and 1798 Rebellion of the United Irishmen.

We are deeply indebted to our trustees for giving their time and expertise to advance the Foundation and cherish Éamon’s memory.